1. Fish Feed Production
Supplementary feed is an important aspect of growth of fisheries sector. It has replaced the traditional techniques of aquaculture. Feed based fisheries has accelerated the growth of aquaculture sector many folds.
Directorate of Fisheries is also promoting feed based fisheries for better productivity in ponds. Cage Culture technique of fish production is solely dependent upon artificial floating feed.
Jhascofish is running fish feed mills at Ranchi. It produces floating feed for fishes. Future strategy is to produce & provide spawn feed to farmers willing to purchase it.
2. Management of Wholesale Fish Market, Ranchi-
Jhascofish is running a wholesale and retail fish market at Shalimar, Dhurwa, Ranchi. This market is the only wholesale fish market in Ranchi. Different types of fish are sold in this market.
Farmers of nearby districts send their fish produce to this market. People may get fresh fish from this market.
In this market there are 20 wholesale and 16 retail shoppers. About 200 to 300 people are getting direct/indirect employment through this market system.
3. Cage culture –
Cage culture is one of the important fish farming system in Jharkhand.Jhascofish is providing financial, technical and other relevant assistance to FCS for cage culture in Hatia reservoir. This is in a view to provide learning by doing system of development of patratoli FCS.
4. Training and Extension Support to Primary Fisheries Cooperative Societies-
Jhascofish has organized training and workshop time to time for members of primary fisheries co-operative societies on different subjects of aquaculture and management of societies.
Some of the training programmes conducted by JHASCOFISH are:
a. Five days training programme on fish farming.
b. 60 days training programme on cage culture technique.
c. 10 days training programme on Ornamental fish farming.
d. 3 days training-cum-workshop on book keeping & Accounting for chairmen/Secretary of co-operative societies.
e. 3 days training programme on fish farming to 16000 members of SAKHI MANDAL (JOHAR PROJECT, JSLPS).
5. Infrastructure support to primary FCS-
Jhascofish for infrastructure development of primary co-operative societies. Under this activity Jhascofish already provided many things like pick Van, Dragnet, Deep Freezer, Office shed, Office material and Electronic balances etc. to primary co-operative societies. It helps them a lot in their fish farming work and societies get maximum profit opportunities, and increase their assts.
JHASCOFISH is providing/planning to help fisheries Co-operative Societies by strengthening their infrastructure like office shed and office equipment’s. The federation has helped the FCS in marketing of fish by providing transport pick-up vans, electronic balance and deep-freezers.