Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Jharkhand
3rd Floor, Pashupalan and Sahkarita Bhawan, Hesag, Hatia, Ranchi - 834003

What are the document requirements for registering a cooperative society?
  1. UNDER JHARKHAND CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT,1935-The complete set of registration paper may be obtained from appendices of the Act. The application for registration are initially received from the organizer (Co-operative Extension Officer/Block Co-operative extension officer) of the concerned area and are scrutinized by the Assistant Registrar to insure the viability of the proposed society and its conformity with Jharkhand Co-operative Society Act.The required documents are as follows :-

(a)  Four copies of the proposed bye-laws.

(b)  Application for registration containing name of members,their age,full address and occupation.

(c)  Declaration by the founder member of not being member of other societies

(d)  Photo ID/address proof

(e)  Organizers report in prescribed format.

  1. UNDER JHARKHAND SELF SUPPORTING CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT,1996-Every application shall be accompanied by:-

 (a)  Two copies of the proposed Bye-laws of Co-operative Societies as adopted by the promoting members.

 (b)  A list of name of members with their addresses , age , occupation and equity participation.

 (c)  The list of members of the first board elected by the promoter members.

What are the required documents and registration of the amendment of byelaws of a co-operative society
The proposal of amendment of bye-laws of societies are required to be approved in General Body Meeting with 2/3rd majority of its members and the same is submitted to the Registrar within two months of the General Body Meeting along with a copy of the minutes of the General Body Meeting. Four copies of existing and proposed bye-laws with justification/reason and the certificate from the secretary, president of the society with regard to the compliance of the provision of Co-operative societies act and rules.

The proposal received is examined by the ARs of various circles and the same is either approved or rejected on merits. Specific reasons are given for not approving the proposed amendment and appeal lies with the Registrar Co-operative Society/Co-operative Tribunal.

What are the main conditions for enrollment of a member in cooperative society?
A resident of Jharkhand, residing in the area of operation of the proposed societies can become member of the society if he fulfils the conditions laid down in registered byelaws of different types of societies.
How Disputes are settled?
  1. Jharkhand Co-operative Society Act/Rules also provide for arbitration machinery for settlement of disputes between member and Managing Committee of societies. A society member or any other person concerning to the disputes can file an arbitration case.
  2. Any disputes between the member and society touching the business of the societies ,may be filled in the court of Registrar Co-operative Society U/S 48 of Jharkhand Co-operative Society act.In case of Self Supporting Co-operative Society the dispute may be filled in co-operative tribunal. The constitution of Co-operative Tribunal in the state under process.
What are the statutory obligations of a co-operative society?
Every co-operative society is required to conduct annual general body meeting as per provision of sub rule 20(3) of Jharkhand Co-operative Society rules 1959.The managing committee is constituted in special general body meeting under sub rule 21 of Jharkhand Co-operative Society rules 1959 or under section 29 of Jharkhand Self Supporting Co-operative Societies Act, 1996.


What is the time schedule for disposal of application/references received from co-operative societies?

 Time schedule for disposal of various application /reference received from societies are detailed below:-

1.   Admission as a member  -15 days

2.   Approval of proposal of registration of a new Co-operative society  -90 days

3.   Amendements in bye -laws   -90 days

4.   Approval of resignations and enrollments of members in societies  -15 days

5.   Others (miscellaneous matters)  -60 days

What are the circumstance under which a co-operative society is wound up/liquidated?

A Co-operative society is considered for liquidation when it is established that the society has not commenced working or ceased working  in accordance with the co-operative principle and is no longer working for achievement of the objects for which it was registered.

The society may also be liquidated if the number of members has been reduced to less than the required number. An appeal against the order of winding up can be filed to the State Government within 2 months from the date of the publication of such order in the official gazette.


What are the methods of dealing with complaint?
When a complaint is received by the Registrar ,it is examined in the concerned section .If need be, the comments of the concerned society official/non official is called for. After examination, if required, inspection U/s 34,Enquiry u/s 35 or surcharge proceedings u/s 40 are ordered by Registrar.